Unfaithful Men - 5 Reasons Why Men Cheat on Their Wives and Girlfriends

Unfaithful men... These two words seem to go hand-in-hand, and I know that when a man plays away, there has to be female involvement, but for now I'm going to investigate some of the main reasons:



Independent studies regularly show that between 50%-60% of ALL married men seek an intimate relationship outside marriage.

· Cheating provides the inspiration for many "Divas" when writing the material for songs.
· Divorce lawyers have never, ever been busier.
· Every day, a new sleaze story hits the headlines, surrounding a sports personality, celebrity

or politician.

Why, you might ask, do men find it so difficult to stay faithful?

Let me tell you:

Men are biologically programmed to be unfaithful and it's a well-documented fact. This biological urge can and should be controlled when a man is in a serious relationship or marriage, but for some men, this proves to be extremely difficult. Consider though the animal kingdom. Males mate with multiple females to ensure the survival of the species. They proudly spread their seed to all willing females. I suppose it's because tigers don't "kiss and tell!"

Human males naturally don't impregnate every woman they meet, but do have the urge, or at least a passing thought about sexual relations with those who they find attractive. Man has therefore evolved from his primate ancestors, but only a bit! Men need excitement after all. I mean something more than getting up, travelling to work, spending all day in their chosen profession, travelling back, walking into the house, being nagged by the wife, ignored by the kids, bitten by the dog, shocked by the bills...you get my point.

Sometimes that bit of extra attention from a vibrant new girl in the office kind of breaks the monotony. Most men simply need attention. It is easy to take a long-term partner for granted after a while. Once the attention stops, a man's eyes usually start to wander. A healthy sex life can slow the process, but can't completely prevent a man's desire for attention from other women.

Why do men have extramarital affairs?

It doesn't seem to matter how long the marriage has lasted, or whether the marriage is a strong one. It also doesn't matter who the adulterer is married to, or how sexy or attractive their spouse is.
It can happen to the most high profile marriages, and here are some reasons why:

1. Absence of Intimacy: Lack of intimacy in marriage can be a contributing factor to a marital affair. When one partner is not having his or her sexual needs satisfied; it may lead to an affair to literally "quench the thirst," so to speak.

2. The younger model: A man who is unable to cope with the age related deterioration of his spouse, may seek a younger version for his physical pleasure and although he may still be in love with his wife, can justify his infidelity, while accepting his own maturity as a positive "enhancement."

3. Lack Of Spousal Attention: When men feel neglected, or unappreciated they may engage in a new relationship to compensate for this. Men require constant attention to prevent them straying!

4. Sexual Conquests: Some men are so perpetually insecure that even marriage cannot stop them from adding new conquests to their scorecard. There is no cure for these serial philanderers.

5. Looking To End The Marriage: Men often cheat in their marriage simply to provide an excuse to end it. It is for some men easier to be "caught out" in an affair, than to have to work out a way to tell their wife that they want to leave them.

In summary, we men are very basic creatures and if we weren't required to produce children, I think we would very rapidly, become obsolete!

Unfaithful Men - 5 Reasons Why Men Cheat on Their Wives and Girlfriends

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