There are some individuals who believe that living together before marriage is beneficial for both parties. It would serve as the testing ground if they would be able to get along well living in one roof. If not, it would be easier for them to part ways without having to face the trouble of filing and waiting for the divorce resolution something that they would still need to go through if they are married. People seem to be more concerned nowadays with this matter and they want to be sure that they are compatible with each other before making the sacred vow. It may sound weird to some but it is undeniable that more and more couples are thinking of living together first before they immediately married a person. However, if you carefully understand each and every aspect of this situation, you would discover that there are some pros and cons when you decide to live together before marriage. Read on to learn some of the most common upside and downside before you put yourself into this kind of setup.
A lot of couples settle to live together before marriage in order to have a more extended time to learn about the personality or inner qualities of their partner; that side of him or her that is not easily exposed unless you live with that person under the same roof. If you live in the same house, it would be easier for you to distinguish any negative aspects of his character that you feel you would not be comfortable living with for the rest of your lives together. If you decide to part ways, it would be easier compared to how it would be if you are legally married. This is according to the perception of many who acknowledges the benefits of being in a live-in relationship.
There is also a mystifying feeling of joy and excitement when you are living together without being married. It provides that feeling that you are just together as boyfriends and girlfriends allowing you to enjoy the sweet moments without being pressured on some of the issues often encountered by married couples.
After talking about the pros of living together before marriage, there is no doubt that there are also a number of cons that you have to face when you are in this kind of setting. Most of the common problems faced by people who have gone through this set-up is the possibility of being insecure. Since you know for a fact that there is no legal knot binding you with your partner, it would not be surprising once insecurity creeps into you. This would push you to become possessive making you determined to call all the shots in the relationship. Your partner on the other hand, would not be happy about your sudden change of attitude causing him to feel the loss of freedom, individuality and privacy altogether. This is often the cause of breakup of most relationships who decided living together before marriage.
Another disadvantage of being in this type of setup when you are in a relationship is the possibility that could lead you to shake off the idea about the sanctity of marriage when you are in a relationship.
In actuality, the arguments about living together before marriage are a never ending discussion. In the end, the decision if this is appropriate or not absolutely relies on the persons involved. However, before you immediately plunge into a live-in relationship, it would be better to give yourself time to evaluate about the pros and cons and how it applies to you.
Living Together Before Marriage - The Pros and Cons of Live-In Relationships
Tono has been writing articles for nearly 4 years. His newest interest is about relationships. So come visit his website that discusses useful strategies on how to getback with girlfriend [] and ex-back system review [] to help people find out the best way to rekindle a broken relationship.