How to Get My Girlfriend Back and Avoid Losing Her Forever

If you are wondering how you go about and discover how to get my girlfriend back you must read this article. Winning back your girlfriend requires more than just wishful thinking, broken promises and using cheap and dirty tactics. In order to be best position to get your girl back in your arms you need to avoid running the risk of pushing her away forever like many men before you.

I Want To Learn How To Get My Girlfriend Back For Good!


Before you can stop the heart break and experience the exhilarating feeling of getting the love of your life back you must let your emotions settle down. The pain of a break up can be one of the hardest things you will ever go through but winning her back does not have to be.

How to Get My Girlfriend Back and Avoid Losing Her Forever

You must go against all those irrational thoughts and behaviour you may be experiencing. Although it may feel impossible right now you need to be confident, positive and envisage your ex girlfriend back in your arms.

No One Wants A Desperate, Needy and Possessive Ex

First things first, do not make the same mistakes as men before you. It's no surprise that these mistakes occur right on time after a break up no matter the reasons a partner has left. If you are calling, messaging and emailing your ex or even following her online activities you must stop immediately! Nothing will push her away forever and ruin your last chance to get her back.

How To Get My Girlfriend Back Without Pushing Her Away

Women love mystery, love confidence and a partner who has a happy and positive outlook on life. If you are still in contact with your ex and are pleading, begging and crying to your girl for her to give you and your relationship just one more chance you must stop immediately! This can kill your chance to reunite fast and get your girlfriend back.

You are probably dying inside right now and the very last thing you want to do is to put a smile on your dial and go against all those horrible feelings you have right now. Whatever you do, do not use guilt and manipulation tactics in sheer desperation of trying to convince her to come back. These techniques do not work and in the long run will never fix the problems that lead to your break up and get your girlfriend back.

You must leave your ego and pride at the door and accept responsibility for the direction of your relationship. Many times a break up can be a harsh but frightening warning from a partner that your relationship must change immediately to get her back.

Give you and your ex some space, its critical that you respect her decision and give her some time. No break up is ever final but you can definitely make it final because of your post break up behaviour.

Use the time apart to dissect the relationship and what went wrong. You must dig deep and more often than not the true nature of the break up and the real reasons are rarely revealed by a partner.

You have every chance to get your girlfriend back if you play your cards right.

How to Get My Girlfriend Back and Avoid Losing Her Forever

Discover a extremely unconventional method on how to get my girlfriend back that will leave your girlfriend powerless to resist you. Don't leave winning your ex girlfriend to chance, take charge and discover the steps you must take today to get your girl back at

How To Tell If Your Girlfriend Is Cheating - Some Evidences To Look For

Have you ever suspected your girlfriend to be cheating on you at one point in your relationship? Do you trust her too much and believe that she can never do something foolish behind your back? If you do, it is time to wake up boy because some women, just like men, also flirt when their boyfriends are not in sight. They find enjoyment in playing and leading on other guys especially if they know that the said guys are attracted to them.

Although only a few go further than flirting like sleeping with another guy, this still becomes one of the common reasons why couples break-up. So, if you think that your girlfriend is doing something unusual, try to look at some evidences on how to tell if your girlfriend is cheating.


The first evidence that you can look for is when she starts buying more new clothing than she used to. If you are already spending months or years together as boyfriend-girlfriend, you must have been familiar with how your girlfriend dresses and how she purchases clothing for herself. Although there are girls who become suddenly interested with clothes, this will still become a big puzzle to you especially if you are used to seeing your girl wearing simple clothes and buying only new items when there are important occasions to attend.

How To Tell If Your Girlfriend Is Cheating - Some Evidences To Look For

If you notice this sudden need to buy new items of clothing, be more watchful because the reason behind could be to create a new look and feel more attractive to the man she is seeing behind your back. Give more special attention on whether she buys new underwear or lingerie because these are big clues on how to tell if your girlfriend is cheating.

Other evidences are receipts and unexplained extra mileage on the car. These two can provide you with loads of information and help you on how to tell if your girlfriend is cheating. When your girlfriend cheats, her buying habits change as well as the frequency of usage of the car. Although these changes can happen even to those girlfriends who are not cheating but merely finding ways to have more fun, these are still strong evidences to consider.

Check the receipts of her purchases and take note of the mileage on the car at the start and end of the day. Do the receipts show purchases of new underwear, men's items like cologne and shirt but you never remember them being given to you or to anyone you know, and large amount of credit for her cell phone? Do you see a big difference between the distance she said she traveled and what the counter on the car says in reality? The answer to these questions will sure be of big help on how to tell if your girlfriend is cheating.

And lastly, evidences like her cell phone and phone bills will also help you determine if your girlfriend is indeed cheating. Do you find strange numbers on her cell phone and phone bills? Is there someone calling her more often and does she try to get distant from you when somebody calls? If you answer yes to these, then consider them as indicators that something is really going on. But do not confront her at once; you must dig deeper by looking at other ways on how to tell if your girlfriend is cheating. You can look at the address book to check the strange number or you can try calling it and listen to the voice at the other line.

How To Tell If Your Girlfriend Is Cheating - Some Evidences To Look For

To learn the truth about whether or not your girlfriend is cheating on you, visit

Sweet Things to Say to Your Girlfriend - Words to Make Her Fall Madly in Love With You

The usual sweet things to say to your girlfriend just don't have that oomph anymore.

Nowadays, the simple "I love you" is not enough to show how much you really care for the person you love. These are already mere words that are continuously abused by so many.


Guys can be quite good at sweet talk, but the typical sweet things to say to your girlfriend would result in more "successes" if they come with some embellishment (and sincerity, of course).

Sweet Things to Say to Your Girlfriend - Words to Make Her Fall Madly in Love With You

On the other hand, girls are quite reserved when talking about the likes of "I love you." For most, "I love you" are sacred words that are only meant to be uttered to the person who really deserve them.

This is quite a challenge for men. You need to think of new things or new words to say that would make the women fall madly, deeply in love with you. But you need not spend much just to make the woman of your interest notice you.

Below are some sweet things to say to your girlfriend that might come in handy. They might sound a little old hat; but why not give it a try? You have nothing to lose, anyway.

1) "You look really beautiful."

Try to appreciate your girlfriend's appearance. Women really love it when they are being praised by their boyfriends. They do a lot of things to make themselves attractive to their man. Unfortunately, some men disregard this effort made by women.

2) "You are my life. Losing you would mean the end of me."

This shows that she's the most important person in your life and losing her would mean losing everything.

Women like to know how important she is in your life than football and your friends. This is probably one of the strongest in the list of sweet things to say to your girlfriend.

3) "You are my answered prayer."

It's always nice to know that someone has been longing and praying for you. Girls like to hear that you included prayers and God in your words.

This shows that you are serious with her because you are already putting God as your witness. And if you don't really mean it, it would be just blasphemous of you to do so.

4) "I would rather be the one hurt than you."

This is certainly one of the nicest things to say to anyone. You must show to her that you are willing to give up anything and everything, even carry the burden just to ease her pain. This is quite heroic; but it actually works!

These are just some of the sweet things to say to your girlfriend and touch her heart even deeper. Think about them and see when and where you can apply them to your relationship. These would definitely help keep the fire burning between you and your girlfriend.

You may be surprised to know that even though women tend to be more sophisticated these days, simplicity is still the key to making her happy. You have to learn how to listen and respond by saying the right sweet things to say to your girlfriend. Some of the most common lines that will work for several years include "You look beautiful", "Thank you" and "I care".

Sweet Things to Say to Your Girlfriend - Words to Make Her Fall Madly in Love With You

If you want to know how to make women laugh, grab the 2 FREE amazing reports at before you miss out!

My Ex Girlfriend Blocked Me on Facebook! - Why Did She Do That? - Do I Still Have a Chance?

If you are attempting to get your ex girlfriend back and she has done something like...

  • Blocked you on Facebook
  • Made odd comments on her status
  • Changed her profile picture to something that makes you worry & wonder


Then you are probably trying to make meaning of why she is doing these things. I am going to tell you what these things could possibly mean. But before I do, a few weeks back my ex girlfriend broke up with me, and she started doing these odd things on Facebook and it got me to wondering. To make a long story short I was about to get her back in just 15 days.

My Ex Girlfriend Blocked Me on Facebook! - Why Did She Do That? - Do I Still Have a Chance?

When we got back together I asked her why she had blocked me on Facebook among other things and this is what she had to say...

She told me that she did those things for two reasons.

1.) To avoid seeing my profile
2.) To make me wonder

She wanted to avoid seeing my profile because she knew that she would start to wonder about me and regain all the feelings that she once had. She broke up with me in the first place because I was a bit too 'needy' and she wanted me to get myself back to how I used to be.

She wanted to 'make me wonder' because she wanted me to take this seriously. She wanted me to make the necessary changes that I needed to make in order for her to be attracted to me once again, otherwise I wouldn't have put the effort into doing so.

My Ex Girlfriend Blocked Me on Facebook! - Why Did She Do That? - Do I Still Have a Chance?

If you lost your girlfriend and you want to get her back, you can! I don't consider myself to be an "ex girlfriend guru", but if you want to see more about my story and exactly what helped me get her back...then visit my site below: ---->> GET HER BACK. Best Wishes Man!

25 Sweet Things to Say to Your Girlfriend

Don't run out of things to say to your girlfriend. She loves compliments. She loves that you're think of sweet things to say to her. As they say, compliments can go a long way. Remember that in anything that you say to your girlfriend, sincerity is key. You really have to feel what you're saying. Here are 25 sweet things to say to your girlfriend.

1. I love you.


2. You're beautiful.

25 Sweet Things to Say to Your Girlfriend

3. I only want to be with you.

4. I love that shirt on you.

5. When I'm with you, I want to be a better person.

6. I miss you when you're away.

7. Your hair looks gorgeous tonight.

8. Is that a new necklace?

9. Wanna cuddle?

10. I feel tingles when we kiss.

11. I love listening to you speak.

12. I love the way I feel when I'm with you.

13. When we hold hands, I feel secure. And I feel like nothing can go wrong.

14. I am most happy when I can make you smile.

15. When you walk into the room, you make my day.

16. I missed you.

17. Thank you.

18. Thank you for being my best friend.

19. Of all the wonderful things in my life, you are number one.

20. Spending time with you is my number one priority.

21. What do you want to do?

22. I enjoy hanging out with you.

23. What's on your mind?

24. You shine in my life like no one has before.

25. Please stay.

This list of 25 sweet things to say to your girlfriend will help you to reach into her heart. Remember to be sincere. Let the sweet things you say roll naturally off your tongue.

25 Sweet Things to Say to Your Girlfriend

Maintaining a strong relationship is tough. Take charge. If you're really serious about your girlfriend, check out my free report: 50 Musts to Repair & Strengthen your Relationship [] It's full of advice you can use right now.

You'll have your girlfriend feeling like the queen of your world. But you need to know the secrets to strengthen your relationship [] from my free report.

How to Seduce My Girlfriend - 5 Easy Steps

If you really want to learn how to seduce your girlfriend, there are a number of steps you can take to achieve your goal. Lapses in physical relations with one's girlfriend are bound to happen to the best of us. Or, maybe your situation is such that have never even gone to that special place with your girlfriend yet. Either way, I am here to tell you that the past does not necessarily equal the future!

If you are asking yourself, "How to seduce my girlfriend?," here are 5 easy steps to follow:


1 - If you want to learn how to seduce your girlfriend, start by touching her playfully and lovingly on a more frequent basis. These can be very innocent touches - to her knee, her shoulder, her hair. Touching another person releases a natural chemical in the skin that brings warm, pleasant feelings to her body. Even casual touches can go a long way toward arousal. So, reach out to her (literally) and let her know that you have warm feelings toward her.

How to Seduce My Girlfriend - 5 Easy Steps

2 - Drop her an e-mail with a love poem now and then. Sometimes, a casual, surprise e-mail will do wonders in terms of awakening her desire. You may find that she is pleasantly surprised at your gesture. Keep your communications short and on a casual level - nothing too heavy or serious, and do not write too much because you will risk boring her.

3 - If someone else flirts with you through the course of your day, let your girlfriend know that it happened. You are not trying to make her mad. Just treat the flirting incident like it was cute and that you were flattered by it, but assure your girlfriend that you only have eyes for her. Jealousy, when played the right way, can be a turn-on.

4 - Treat your girlfriend like a princess. One of the easiest ways to do this is to show her that you care by celebrating special days like her birthday. But, even better, celebrate the little things, like when she looks particularly attractive one day or does her hair or makeup a certain way. Point out how good she looks and how much you find her attractive.

5 - If you are having a hard time getting over that last hurdle - as if she is almost willing to let you seduce her but then she backs off for no apparent reason - you need to start an open dialogue about sex with your girlfriend. Remember, she may have a hang-up or two that you could help her overcome through talking about it. Aside from touch, visual stimulation, and smell, dialogue can be (believe it or not) very arousing. Once you have cleared the air about any hang-ups your girlfriend may have about having sex with you, subtly shift the conversation toward a more sexy direction. Ask her about her turn-ons - what does she like? What does she fantasize about?

Seducing your girlfriend is not an exact science. However, there are some pretty clear-cut things you can do to steer the situation in the right direction. Do not underestimate the power of touch, sight, and the spoken and written word as you work to seduce your girlfriend.

These are just the beginning steps in seducing your girlfriend. They are sure-fire things you can do that have worked for me time and time again. And yet, there are many more secrets of seduction to know if you take time to learn from the masters.

How to Seduce My Girlfriend - 5 Easy Steps

The path to seduction starts with more closeness in your relationship. Get expert relationship advice from someone who has helped thousands of other couples at: Seduce Her With Closeness.

Things to Talk About With Your Girlfriend

Talking is one of the best ways of getting to know more about someone, and talking to your girlfriend is the best way to forge tight bonds with her. It is very possible that years down the line, the two of you will remember many of the things you will say to each other in these younger days. These fond memories play an integral part in most long-running relationships.

One of the best ways of having a good, healthy and wholesome chat with your girlfriend is to start with small talk. The small talk will give you a general picture about her likes and dislikes, as well as what she would like to discuss and what she would rather leave alone. Once the small talk gives you a general idea, you can go ahead and discuss your common likes and dislikes. A wholesome chat can also end up in a decision to do something you can enjoy together. For example, a chat about the latest movie or play can actually end up in the two of you standing in queue to buy tickets for it.


As you begin to form opinions of your girlfriend during the course of conversation, she in turn does the same. Therefore, you should think carefully before speaking and taking up subjects that might be repugnant to her. Religion and politics, for example, are subjects which often don't gel well with breakfast, lunch or dinner. Unless and until you are open and ready for an active debate, those topics shouldn't be touched with a barge pole. Talking about it, however, gives you an indication of your girlfriend's political and religions leanings.

Things to Talk About With Your Girlfriend

A chat is one of the best ways to express your love to your girlfriend. But you should never utter the words "I love you" unless you mean it. This is because false love is very easily found out by women. In addition, most girlfriends enjoy hearing it, but don't make yours hear it all the time or she may begin to find the otherwise-well-meaning utterance tiresome.

Things to Talk About With Your Girlfriend

Girlfriends provides detailed information about girlfriends, finding girlfriends, gifts for girlfriends, and more. Girlfriends is affiliated with Relationships.

Does He Want You to Be His Girlfriend? 4 Sure Ways to Find Out If He Wants to Be More Than Friends

Do you know how to tell if a guy wants you to be his girlfriend? Have you been disappointed before because of your false assumptions regarding a potential boyfriend? Are you in a current situation where you want to know if a guy wants to have a relationship with you? Reading a guy is something that many women wish to master. If only you can interpret his actions and uncover his true intentions, imagine how much time and heartbreak you can save yourself! If you want to know if this guy wants you to be his girlfriend then read on for the signs.

Flirting fun


Flirting is one of the tell-tale signs that a guy may be looking to make you his one-and-only. Is he looking for chances to touch you when you talk? Is he smiling at you often and sometimes for no apparent reason? Do you catch him looking at you? Does he intensely hold your gaze when you are talking? Does he brush the hair off your face or put his arm around you when you two cross the street? Does he talk to you and you alone when you are in a group of people? These are some of the common methods that guys use to flirt.

Does He Want You to Be His Girlfriend? 4 Sure Ways to Find Out If He Wants to Be More Than Friends

Quality time

If he is looking for opportunities to spend more time with you then chances are he wants you to be his girlfriend. For instance, is he regularly asking you out on dates even though you sometimes turn him down? Does he go to parties or other events simply to accompany you and enjoy your company? If a guy makes effort to spend as much time with you as possible then you are definitely in.

Making the first move

In all the dates you have gone on and in all the times that you have spent together, it's important to remember who made the first move. Guys will not waste time when it comes to asking out a girl they like. If he is always the first one to call you or talk to you, then this clearly means he is after you.

Getting to know you

If a guy asks your friends about you, then this is already a clear sign that he wants you to be his girlfriend and is looking to get to know you better.

Does He Want You to Be His Girlfriend? 4 Sure Ways to Find Out If He Wants to Be More Than Friends

If you are looking for a system to make every man adore you, chase you, love you, and commit to you, click Unforgettable Woman Dating Advice. If you're ready for a highly effective method that's different from what every else is teaching, click 77 Secrets to Attract and Keep Him Now. You don't want to miss this!

This article is contributed by Tina Jones. Tina is part of the Unforgettable Woman Publishing Team. She works together with founder Alexandra Fox and writes dating/relationship articles for women who want to understand male psychology, how to attract men, and find true love. You can find more about Unforgettable Woman Publishing by visiting their website.

The Most Romantic Things to Say to Your Girlfriend - Lines That Will Make Her Fall in Love With You

Girlfriends are one of the best things in the world. They are like flowers in your garden, the birds in the sky, the star on top of your Christmas tree and the icing on your birthday cake. So go on, spoil her. Make her feel totally loved. Lovesick guys have sworn girlfriends are the next best thing to heaven. Get all chummy, cuddle up and take mental note of the following romantic things to say to your girlfriend --- guaranteed to make her fall in love with you every single day!

  1. You're very beautiful. Girls make great importance with their appearance, judging on the amount of time they spend prepping up or retouching in the bathroom. So make their efforts worthwhile by at least letting them know your appreciation. It will go a long way I assure you.
  2. I can't live without you. All girlfriends' guilty pleasure is to find out you depend on them. Nothing can be more romantic telling your girl she's your inspiration and that you can't absolutely move on without her. Guaranteed to make her blush beet red.
  3. I think about you all the time. Well, to tell you a secret, girls think about boys a lot too. They may seem distant or cold but believe me, their mind is focused on you and you alone. So boost her ego a little by telling her you think about her often aside from your favorite sports event.
  4. You make me be a better man. Encouragement is very motivating and surprisingly, romantic. When your girl realizes that you make her your drive to make yourself a better person, chances are, she will do the same for you.
  5. I love you. I cannot stress this more. Girls love to hear you say it. So make it a habit. It makes your relationship stronger.


Still feeling the romantic vibe kicking in? Subscribe more to romantic things to say to your girlfriend by logging on to my website and even free more tips on love, life and relationships!

The Most Romantic Things to Say to Your Girlfriend - Lines That Will Make Her Fall in Love With You
The Most Romantic Things to Say to Your Girlfriend - Lines That Will Make Her Fall in Love With You

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100 Questions to Ask Your Girlfriend - Fun Questions to Ask Your Girlfriend

I very often see and hear guys looking for good questions to ask their girlfriend. There may be a lot of reasons, what is yours?

  • Looking to get to know your valentine date better?
  • Running out of things to talk to your sweetie about?
  • First date jitters and don't know what to talk about?


Well, here are first half of 100 questions that can break the ice and get a conversation going. Check them out and then continue to my blog for the other half, agreed?

100 Questions to Ask Your Girlfriend - Fun Questions to Ask Your Girlfriend

And, please, remember that the most important thing is to have fun! Although this might seem easy to sit and list all the questions before your girlfriend but she might freak out and run away from you and we wouldn't like that, would we? So make fun of it. Throw a couple of questions and talk about them, discuss the answers, enjoy the conversation.

You might be very much surprised by what you learn about the other person. People are fun and they are so different but also so alike. Finding out your new girlfriend to be like minded with you should turn your date into a celebration at the end. Be prepared!

Don't force anyone to answer a question they don't want to and don't pry deeper if they are not willing to talk about a certain subject. Good manners are a must when asking personal and intimate questions, especially if you are not too acquainted with each other.

1. What was your best job?

2. What were your worst jobs?

3. Tell me all the places you worked

4. Tell me about your best friend

5. Tell me about your family

6. Tell me about your relatives

7. What was your first car?

8. Favorite movie star?

9. Favorite entertainer?

10. Favorite song?

11. What were your life changing moments?

12. First girlfriend/boyfriend?

13. First kiss?

14. What is the dumbest thing you have ever done?

15. Have you ever been arrested?

16. Political affiliation?

17. Have you voted for someone you wished you hadn't?

18. Have you used drugs?

19. Do you like to shop?

20. Best way to relax?

21. Favorite thing to do alone?

22. Ever had a one night stand?

23. Do you save money?

24. What hobbies to you spend money on?

25. If you found a 0 what would you do?

26. Do you want children/more children?

27. Are you a good parent?

28. What makes a good parent?

29. Are you romantic?

30. Ever loose a pet?

31. Dog or cat?

32. Pets growing up?

33. Sleep in the nude?

34. Favorite midnight snack?

35. Do you exercise?

36. Did you ever see your parents making love?

37. Peanut butter and what?

38. What is one food you will never give up?

39. What is a food you can live without?

40. Favorite drink?

41. Perfect day?

42. How many CDs do you own?

43. How many DVDs do you own?

44. Favorite thing to spend money on?

45. What is the weirdest thing about you?

46. What is on your bedside table?

47. Are you cheap or thrifty?

48. Ever been in love with 2 people at the same time?

49. Grades in high school?

50. Favorite teacher?

51. Relatives in jail?

52. Toppings on pizza?

53. Black or white?

54. Glass half full or half empty?55. Ever been to a food shelf?

56. Ever milked a cow?

57. Ever tipped a cow?

58. Bath or shower?

59. Mountains or the beach?

60. Plane, train or automobile?

61. Favorite all time movie?

62. Worse movie you have ever seen?

63. Best concert you have been to?

64. Beer, wine or coffee?

65. Best vacation?

66. If you could retire tomorrow what would you do?

67. Worse vacation?

68. Three places you would love to visit?

69. Worse boss?

70. If you could do anything what would it be?

71. Super powers you wish you had?

72. Ever had a massage?

73. Ideal romantic dinner?

74. Dumbest purchase you ever made?

75. Where did you find money when you were flat broke?

76. Ever sold blood?

77. What sporting event/concert/entertainment would you buy tickets to regardless of price?

78. Ever hit a jackpot on a slot machine?

79. Ever won the lottery?

80. What would you do with your lottery winnings?

81. Are you a neat freak?

82. Can't stand being around people who_________?

83. Crowds or small groups?

84. How old do you want to live to?

85. Loose your sight or hearing?

86. Ever had a crush on a member of the same sex?

87. Pet peeves?

88. Most annoying habit?

89. Sexiest parts of a member of the opposite sex?

90. Major turn offs?

91. Tattoos?

92. Bodypainting?

93. Piercings?

94. Plastic surgery-would you/have you?

95. Computer geek?

96. Trekee?

97. Play an instrument?

98. Been in a band?

99. Most embarrassing moment?

100. Nude beach yes or no?

Did you like this? I think this is a nice list of fun questions to ask your girlfriend. I hope the list is interesting enough and will keep you going for some time. Enjoy your conversations and have fun!

100 Questions to Ask Your Girlfriend - Fun Questions to Ask Your Girlfriend

Find additional questions to ask your girlfriend on my relationship blog. Want to discover if you two guys are really compatible? Ask these questions and you'll find out!

Magical Prayer to Get Girlfriend Or Boyfriend Back

I believe in the power of prayer. I think praying is important, really important, especially if you're at your wit's end and you feel there is little chance you'll get your boyfriend or girlfriend back. People often see prayer as a last resort, but it's not... let me explain...

You've no doubt heard the phrase that God only helps those who help themselves. I really believe this is true. God has never just answered a prayer for me without me first taking real action to make a change in my life. So while prayer is good and will help, you need to take action in addition to prayer.


Again, God just doesn't grant requests. He's not a genie. God wants you to experience trials and tribulations in your life because he's trying to help you grow as a person. He wants you to see this awful situation you're now in as an opportunity to grow. Most people won't rise to God's challenge. They'll take the wrong steps to get their girlfriend or boyfriend back, including yelling, bribing, begging and these are all negative things in God's eyes. He wants you to learn patience, love, sincerity, determination and optimism.

Magical Prayer to Get Girlfriend Or Boyfriend Back

Remember all things happen for reasons. You didn't land on this article by accident. God lead you to it and the reason is because after reading this article you are going to get your girlfriend or boyfriend back. Let me repeat that: After reading this article and taking action you are going to get your girlfriend or boy friend back. Feel better? You should, because you are now on the path, you are about ready to take the steps to guarantee that your boyfriend or girlfriend comes back into your life now.

So take action, follow the steps and once you've put the plan into action you will see your boyfriend or girlfriend back and you will have grown into a stronger more successful person. It's that simple, it's that easy. God bless.

Magical Prayer to Get Girlfriend Or Boyfriend Back

You can take action to get your boyfriend, girlfriend, husband or wife back. Immediate benefits. Discover more now... []

5 Sweet Things to Talk About With Your Girlfriend

Well, I wouldn't have to argue with you --- every moment with your girlfriend is a romantic one, no doubt about that. However, there are times when silence can choke you a little bit and you find yourself hoping you have a whole new different topic to talk to her about. You need not stress about it too much --- hey, she's girlfriend! You can talk about anything and everything under the sun. Now, to make it a bit romantic and sweeter this time, here are five sweet things to talk about with your girlfriend --- and get ready for a lot of cuddling and snuggling afterwards.

  • How many kids do you want to have? A little serious question? Well, you can make it one but this question is a little playful and teasing --- you can even go ahead and name your kids from eldest to youngest! Share a few laughs and you can get a little rowdy but by asking her how many kids she wants, it's a step to let the both of you know that you're both getting really serious and would be looking forward for your own kids in the future.
  • What type of kiss do you like most? Want to have some hot smooching session afterwards? This is the perfect thing to talk about! After stating her favorite kind of kiss, there's a big chance she'd demonstrate it to you (or you can ask if you think she's too shy). Major fireworks, I assure you.
  • Did you fall in love at first sight with me? Feeling a little goofy? This is a cute question to ask your girlfriend when she's a bit moody or getting attacked by her usual tantrums --- it will definitely melt her defenses. You'll be back into being normal, cheesy lovers by the end of the day.
  • Where do you want me to take you on your birthday? She may enumerate a number of places she wants you to take her on her birthday, but end up telling her you'll just going to surprise her anyway. She'd be looking forward for it.
  • Describe me in three words. I know this sounds a little corny but hey, admit it that you do want to know how she'll describe you. Of course, she expects you to describe her back and it's a good way to bond more intimately after that --- you can talk about the things you like and don't like about each other (but when you're in love, you usually forget the things you don't like about her). This is a good way to settle differences and issues and get to love each other deeper.
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5 Sweet Things to Talk About With Your Girlfriend
5 Sweet Things to Talk About With Your Girlfriend

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How to Get Back With My Girlfriend?

Breakup isn't easy, especially if it unexpected. Right now you are probably feeling hurt, angry, jealous and lost at the same time. Those are very strong emotions that decrease your ability to think rationally. If you start acting lead by negative emotions and desperation, you will most likely make more mistakes and worsen the situation. First thing you have to do is to calm down and look at the situation "from the distance".

Do you think your ex girlfriend still has feelings for you? If the answer to this question is, "Yes", your situation is not totally hopeless. Analyze your course of action by asking yourself a main question "What should I do to get back with my girlfriend?"


No matter if your girlfriend broke up with you, because you made some serious mistakes or if she just decided to split up with you for no actual reason, you shouldn't blame yourself or act as a victim. This can damage your self-esteem and form numerous negative beliefs that will interfere with your life and hold you back from having a happy relationship in the future with the person that you love.

How to Get Back With My Girlfriend?

What's done is done. There is no way of changing your past, but you can change your future by starting to improve yourself. For example, you can do some volunteer work, arrange hiking trip with your friends on the weekend, start reading self-help literature or improve your physical shape by working out or incorporating healthy diet into your lifestyle. Not only this will help you to take your mind of sad thoughts and stay busy, but it will also show a girl that you love, that you are making a conscious effort to change and become a better person.

Think of what attracted your ex girlfriend to you in the first place? These qualities can help you to win her back again, only this time you have to be smarter. You have to convince her, that you are a man of her dreams. Don't let her think that you are an "open book", which she can read any time she wants to. Do not ignore her completely, but at the same time don't tell her too much about yourself. When you will see her, don't beg her to come back or let her know how miserable and depressed you've been without her in your life. Of course, it flatters any girls, but at the same time it makes you seem unattractive and needy.

Most women like strong, independent men, whom they can rely on and trust with their worries. That's why if you want to get back with your girlfriend you have to act accordingly. Just drop some clues that you are sorry about what happened, that she had reasons to be mad at you and that you still care for her. Casually mention that you have gym in an hour or two or tell her funny stories about your weekend with friends. But keep her guessing about what is really going on in your life. You have to surround yourself with the some mystery to boost your ex's interest and curiosity.

Sweep her of her feet by some grand gesture. For example, you can ask her to go out with her as friends and plan this day in advance, doing stuff that she likes, like going a theme park or taking her to see 3D movie. Make sure that the woman that you love enjoys spending time with you. Flatter her, compliment on her looks, pay attention to what she tells you, and make her laugh. If she feels great in your company chances are that will win her heart back. Good luck!

How to Get Back With My Girlfriend?

For proven step-by-step system how to get back together with your ex visit:

Sorry Messages to Your Girlfriend - How to Tell You Are Really Sorry

Did you do something horrible to your girlfriend and now you are wondering whether she will break off with you? Probably you have been trying to say sorry to your girlfriend by phoning her up and sending her text messages, but it doesn't seem to work. It is a tough situation to be in especially she is not responding to your apologies. All you want is just to tell her how sorry you are. What should you do and how to tell your girlfriend you are really sorry?

When it comes to saying sorry, you have to do it in a very carefully because some wrong methods could just push her further away from you. So, you have to let her feel the sincerity rather than showing desperation.


If you think that the sorry messages to your girlfriend is by leaving urgent or needy messages, it is going to make her dislike you even more. Even if you feel like saying sorry by explaining and arguing who is right or wrong, it will only make her think that you are irresponsible. You have to know that it doesn't matter who is right or wrong for such situation because your main purpose is to make her forgive you.

Sorry Messages to Your Girlfriend - How to Tell You Are Really Sorry

Alternatively, you can try writing sorry messages to your girlfriend. Don't start off by writing "I am sorry...." Make the apology messages short and simple. Never overdo it to make the messages sound pitiful and also don't ever say you truly understand how she feels because the problem is not yet to be solved.

Your girlfriend is probably still feeling very angry and upset. If she doesn't respond immediately to your apology, it is normal, just be patient as she may need time to cool down.

When you want to win her trust back again, you really need to be sincere. Most importantly, you should learn How-To Say Sorry to your girlfriend by getting the right techniques to make her feel your love again.

Sorry Messages to Your Girlfriend - How to Tell You Are Really Sorry

Take this chance to know the most Proven Sorry Messages to your girlfriend and patch up with her in the shortest time.

Girlfriend Guide - How To Get A Girlfriend in High School

I'm 18, and having just been through high school I know some things about high school girls, and this current generation that many of the people talking to you may or may not know.

First off, let me also say - you're right, girls are not objects, things to "get." But PLEASE, everybody let the terminology GO for a minute here. The only thing I see that has happened is people that have NO experience with real concepts are telling this guy, "just be yourself," and "the girls will come naturally".


Two items that are often horribly wrong without the right information to back them up, especially with high school aged, young, often immature, girls. Being a pick up artist is NOT about disrespecting women, self gain, or any of that negative stuff many of you are spouting out. I don't mean to sound so defensive, I just want to make my points clear.

Girlfriend Guide - How To Get A Girlfriend in High School

Being a pick up artist is actually kind of a sour term to describe the concept as it stands in most places. A PUA is not just a guy who "picks up girls," or anything like that, there's an entire world to maintaining the relationship. Now am I going to say that all PUA's are great guys? Of course not. That would be like saying that all real, creative artists are good artists, that all doctors are good doctors. The whole thing would just sound a bit strange, and suspicious.

The ways to be yourself are by NOT shoving the things that make you YOU out the window. Never, ever give up your identity and who you are. If you must, exaggerate a tiny bit of what you are to get a girl to smile, but don't sit there and fake anything. Deception, lies, and trickery are not the answer. Here are a few points of advice from me:

Tip 1:

Be Happy and Smile A Lot

If you are not happy here is the brutal, cold truth: no girl is going to want to be with you. After all, would you want to be with a girl who was miserable? This is a common relationship concept. Smile! Smile a lot! Smiling is perhaps one of the most attractive things people do socially, because when another sees you smile, they often register that image with the association of their own smile, which in turn will make them feel happy too. Laughing is also contagious, but again - don't laugh at something you don't think is funny. Just be sure to let yourself laugh when it's appropriate.

Tip 2:

Make every word that comes out of your mouth purposeful and meaningful

Everything you say should have a purpose behind it. Do not start saying things just to break a silence purely for the sake of breaking the silence. Do not say something just because you feel she's not paying enough attention to you and you want to chime in. Let things be, and find ways of tactfully speaking up when there is a reason to do so.

In the case of seduction, the patterns and language techniques give you ample opportunity to have a "strategic" conversation. These concepts not only apply to women, they apply to all aspects of your social life, and will even come in very handy for you in the business world.

Tip 3:

Develop a nonverbal communication and sense of rapport before even speaking to her.

Don't just go up the instant you see a girl - take a moment to study her movement. Match her breathing with your own. Take one of her mannerisms and adopt it as your own for a little bit. Play with this process, and see what works. What this does is builds an unconscious sense of commonality, and allows the conversation to flow both more comfortably, and with a higher level of initial attraction. The process is called "matching and mirroring," or sometimes just "mirroring." Give it a shot, but don't mimic - do not copy every tiny thing she does. Do not make it obvious.

Tip 4:

If the girl does not show interest in getting to know new people, you move on instantly.

This is not true at all with adult women, and the websites you will read on seduction do not take this antisocial, or socially retarded behavior into account. But this is something that with high school girls and even young college girls, you may encounter. Sometimes the most gorgeous girls you will ever meet are the ones that have had a close knit circle of friends that they NEVER leave for years - and you're not in it.

If she gives you a look that is irritated or "who are YOU" type expression, just say, "Nice meeting you," and walk away. If you want, you can stay and try to recover, but I'll warn you right now, especially if she is around friends, they'll find a way to push you out quickly. It's a battle you likely can't win.

Most of the "popular" girls in high school are actually a bit socially retarded. And I'm not kidding. You THINK they are "popular" because they're the ones that everyone knows about, but the reasons everyone knows about them may not be their nature. More likely, it's their looks, their actions at some party where they were acting stupid, their cruelty, or the guys they've dated. You can go after them if you like, but it's hit-or-miss.

The girls that I would go after if I were you are the ones that are often very close to by themselves, or totally by themselves at lunch - they will be more open to you than most of the ones that are with their little clique of friends.

While I know your aim is not to be "cool," in the common high school sense of the word, I can tell you something else. Having a girlfriend, in the world of high school (I don't know why, don't ask), DOES increase your level of popularity. And you know what? It doesn't even matter who the girl is, most of the time.

Tip 5:

Don't ever settle for anything less than everything you dream about.

Don't date a girl who has a great personality, but you don't find attractive. And of course, don't go out with a gorgeous girl who you absolutely hate on the inside. Find the WONDERFUL girls and spend as much time pursuing them as you please. Maybe they're the ones with a great reputation, maybe they're not. But if you date a girl who is wonderful in your view, she's likely to be wonderful in the view of others and the view of your friends. Be the first to be with her, and be the first to talk to her.

When you are already in a relationship, do not compromise.

When you're in a relationship, do not make her change anything, and do not let her make YOU change anything you don't want to about yourself. If she doesn't like the clothes you wear, but YOU do, don't let her take you to the mall and give you a make over.

Girlfriend Guide - How To Get A Girlfriend in High School

For information visit visit here

Tim Tebow - Girlfriend Mystery Revealed

Tim Tebow is the talk of the town at the University of Florida these days. So lets dig down into the Tim Tebow Girlfriend issue and clear the air once and for all. Does Tim have a girlfriend? And if so, does he have just one, two or three or more? These are the questions everyone continues to ask about this Heisman Quarterback Trophie Winner that has been able to maintain a 3.7 GPA the entire time while in college.

In the course of the last year, various Tim Tebow Girlfriend pics have been popping up all over the place. Or are these his girlfriends? Our research indicates that Tim is not really officially dating anyone at this time. But as a star trying to maintain a good overall PR image for himself, he's happy to take pictures with some of the women on campus just so they can sport a trophy and have something to brag about to their friends in school.


Literally hundreds of young ladies currently studying at the University of Florida are hot about Tim no doubt. Our research also indicates that hundreds of these same women are groupie women who are playing the same role trying to land a star as their very own. We think in the future we'll see more Tim Tebow Girlfriend photos over the next couple years, since he always seems to be happy to take a picture with any nice girl who asks.

Tim Tebow - Girlfriend Mystery Revealed

After Tim goes pro and Graduates from the University of Florida, you might not see any more of Tim Tebow Girlfriend pics floating around except for the old one. He might end up getting married then and start raising a family, but of course that's pure speculation and no one really knows Tim's future, we don't even know our future, lol.

And finally for all we know Tim Tebow may just be the type to take pictures with anyone who asks, yes even the pretty college dorm girlfriend types, to anyone who asks after he turns pro, assuming his wife lets him. But these days it's a women's world so I guess we'll all just have to see what his future wife says about it should he decide to settle down and get married in the future. Some understand it's healthy from a Public Relations perspective to do this, but some women's fangs come out when they see their husband in a picture with other women, even if it's a good career move.

Tim Tebow - Girlfriend Mystery Revealed

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6 Questions to Ask Your Girlfriend

Getting to know the person you're dating is vitally important. This article will provide you with some questions to ask your girlfriend, in order to get to know her better. You will never get to know your girlfriend, if you don't ask her questions. As you ask her questions, remember that these questions should be focused on her.

Don't ask questions like, what is your favorite feature about me? Or, don't you think my new pants are cool? Or, want to hear about my problems? These questions focus on you. They're very narcissistic and will very quickly lead to your girlfriend becoming bored with your tedious conversation about yourself.


Instead, here are some questions to ask your girlfriend that will help you to get to know her better. The plain truth is that people like to talk about themselves. Ironically, the more you can get her to talk about herself, the more she'll find you to be an interesting conversationalist.

6 Questions to Ask Your Girlfriend

Evaluate the questions below, before you ask them. Some of them are more appropriate for early on in a relationship. Others are more appropriate as your relationship progresses.

And now to the questions...

1. Are you happy with your life right now?

This question will tell you a lot about where your girlfriend is at in her life. It might also give you some insight into how she feels about your relationship.

2. When are you most happy with us?

This question forces her to think of positives about the relationship, especially if you are going through a rocky time. As you ask the question, make sure that you have thought of an answer yourself, because she is sure to turn the question back on you.

Her answer to this question will also give you some ideas about what you can focus on that will make the relationship even stronger.

3. What are you most passionate about?

This is a great question for any time in a relationship, as our passions can change. You might find that your passions are so divergent that you can't find common ground. On the other hand, you may find that you are passionate about the same things. If you find this to be the case, you could potentially find yourself in a very satisfying relationship.

4. What makes you most happy in your life?

If you are serious about a continued relationship with your girlfriend, pay close attention to the answer to this question. Find out what makes her happiest and then help her experience those things. This is sound advice for any kind of relationship.

5. What are your 3 favorite activities?

If you want specifics about the activities she most likes to participate in, this is a fantastic question. Again, pay attention. When you get a chance, write down her answer to the question in some place where you'll be able to reference it in the future. Work these activities into your plans often. Be sure to look for variations as well.

6. How can I help?

If you notice your girlfriend is troubled by something, ask this question. Hopefully, this question will elicit an answer will allow you to help her. If she responds by saying "Nothing." then you should follow up with "Is there anything you would like to talk about?"

These questions are just questions to get your mind rolling. There are literally thousands of worthwhile questions to ask your girlfriend. Lots of questions will come naturally in the course of a conversation. Go with the flow. These questions to ask your girlfriend will help you strengthen your relationship.

6 Questions to Ask Your Girlfriend

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5 Steps on How to Get Your Girlfriend Back

Breaking up with a woman is a hard thing for many guys to handle. While you want to move on, you probably still have strong feelings for this one particular woman.

Now if you're constantly thinking of your ex-girlfriend, then pay close attention. In this article, I'll reveal my proven step-by-step system to help you get your girlfriend back.


So if you're secretly pining for a lost love, then try to implement this technique into your life:

5 Steps on How to Get Your Girlfriend Back

Step 1- Analyze what went wrong

Now the important thing to do before you try to get your girlfriend back is to take some time and think about what went wrong. For instance you should ask yourself:

o Is there another guy?

o Does she no longer like you in a romantic way?

o Has there been a dramatic change in her life?

o Are you doing certain things which drive her crazy?

The reason why you ask these questions is to determine if things are fixable between you and your ex-girlfriend. If she's with another guy or was harsh about the break-up, then you probably have LITTLE chance of getting her back.

So before you implement this system, you should first find out if you have a chance of succeeding.

Step 2- Change yourself

Once you've analyzed what went wrong, you need to make changes to your life. The main reason guys get dumped is due to a lack of attraction. So if you want to get her back, you must make subtle changes to yourself which demonstrates attractive qualities.

Now the reason women want to date other guys is these men provide excitement in their lives. Without even knowing it, you probably developed a pattern of wussiness with your ex-girlfriend.

In order to become an attractive to your ex-girlfriend, you need to develop attractive personalities. This includes manly characteristics like confidence, initiative, an interesting personality and determination. If you're able to show these core character traits, then you'll have the attractive personality which ALL women want.

Step 3- Start dating other women

It might seem counterintuitive, but dating other women is a great way to get a girlfriend back. Now it's hard to explain, but women have a crazy logic. They are highly attracted to guys who are "preselected" by other women. By dating other women, you'll be able to trigger her jealous reactions.

Step 4- Become friends with her

Now that you've made changes to yourself and started to date other women, you should contact your ex-girlfriend. When you talk to her, try hard to get her hang out with "as friends". This means grabbing coffee, catching a bit to eat or playing a quick game of pool.

Once you're on this date, just act completely casual. In other words, don't try to convince her to get back with you. Instead just show confidence and amp up your role as a friend. Then every so often make an allusion to one of the women you're dating. Don't be overt about it, but non-chalantly mention that you're actively dating other women.

Step 5- Proceed with normal attraction techniques

Since you're now talking to your ex-girlfriend, you have an opportunity to demonstrate positive qualities. Instead of trying to rekindle things with her, I recommend that you show exactly how much fun you can provide her.

So it's important that you treat her like you would with other girls. This means that you follow the basic attraction and seduction techniques which I recommend.

For instance, you should be cocky/funny, show confidence and act like you don't care about the outcome of your interactions. If you do your job correctly, she'll start to realize that she's missing out on a golden opportunity. Once this happens, she'll start to pursue you!

Being able to get a girlfriend back is hard for many guys to accomplish. But if you're smart enough follow these 5 simple steps, you'll dramatically increase your chances of getting her back into your life.

5 Steps on How to Get Your Girlfriend Back

Want to learn 50 WAYS for approaching, attracting and seducing women? If so, take a look at Scott Patterson's FREE EBOOK which provides 50 tips for instant dating success.

College Girlfriends

The experiences you had during your college days become some of the most memorable in your life. The type of relationship you get into while in college is significantly different from the type of relationship you had in high school. In high school, the type of relationship you have has a childish feel to it. No so with a college relationship. Typically, this is the first time a person experiences a relationship that is more mature in nature.

Age Factor


The fact that you are older and more mature during college compared to high school makes the college relationship much more fulfilling. The relationship you develop while in college will generally have the potential to become much more than the relationships you have in high school.

College Girlfriends

Even though a high school relationship may seem very serious, and sometimes it can be, it does not compare to the feeling you get with a girlfriend you have in college. This is due to the age you are in while in college. At the ages of eighteen through twenty-two, you are ready to get into a serious relationship with someone. This is not necessarily true at the age of fourteen through seventeen. A person's way of thinking and attitude is significantly different at this age.


The activities you get to experience when in college with your girlfriend are so much different from activities in a high school relationship. In high school, the typical activities you would do with your girlfriend are school function related. For example, you would probably go to a school sporting event, or a school dance. Once in a while you would go out to a movie and dinner. In college, you will generally go on activities that are more intimate, and spend time alone with each other.

College Girlfriends

Girlfriends provides detailed information on Girlfriends, Ex Girlfriends, Find A Girlfriend, New Girlfriends and more. Girlfriends is affiliated with Gifts For Guys [].

Ex Girlfriend Pics - What Should You Do With Them?

If you've got a digital camera and an adventurous ex-girlfriend, there's a good chance you have a lot of possibly racy photos of your ex. So what should you do with those pix now that the two of you have broken up?

If you've lost all respect for your ex girlfriend, you might be considering posting her pics to a website to exploit and embarrass her. I know I've thought of doing such things in the past, but I personally didn't end up doing so, and I'll explain why.


If you are seeking revenge by posting naked pictures of your ex girlfriend, I am going to urge you to find your revenge in another manner. The reason is that you are not only completely destroying any chance that the two of you can ever be friends or lovers in the future, but you're also doing something questionably illegal, and something that might fill you with adrenaline when you first do it, yet later may seem like an awful, hurtful thing to do. Even if she cheated on you with your best friend.

Ex Girlfriend Pics - What Should You Do With Them?

If you have pictures of your ex girlfriend and you wish you could have her back, then the story changes. In these cases, it's usually a mutual breakup or a breakup coming from her end, and in these cases you don't want to obsess over her right now. If you're looking at her photos, your emotions will rush back and you might feel an urge to call her or text her, but the reality is that if the breakup is fresh, you need to give her the space that she thinks she wants.

Whether she knows it or not, after some time where she is without you and you are working on yourself, she will begin thinking of the good times the two of you shared. This works in your favor. So don't obsess over old photos, it won't get her back in your arms sooner, and might scare her away instead.

Instead, why not take a shot at meeting women online?

Ex Girlfriend Pics - What Should You Do With Them?

Eric Williams suggests that if you want to meet more women, you look at this >>

Cheating Girlfriend - What Do I Do If My Girlfriend Has Been Cheating?

If you have just found out that your girlfriend has been cheating, you are probably wondering what to do next. Where do you go for the next step in your relationship. It's a truly sad position to be in, but it happens more often than most people realize. Honestly, what to do next is only up to you, and it's completely up to you and what you want next. There's no advice that will tell you how to react to finding this out about your girlfriend. You are the only one who knows what you feel, and know how important your girlfriend is to you. And you are the only one who knows how much work you are willing to go through in order to try to get your life back in order.

The question is, is cheating enough for you to leave her entirely, and let her go? For some men, maybe many men, it is. But the only person that matters right now is you, are you ready to give up your entire relationship over this? It's possible that the answer is yes. But, if you are looking for a way to start over after you girlfriend cheats, then you do have hope.


A good idea is actually to think things over a little. Now is not the time to make a quick decision, especially while the hurt is fresh and new. You have a lot invested in your relationship, you want to make sure that you know what you are doing before you consider giving it up.

Cheating Girlfriend - What Do I Do If My Girlfriend Has Been Cheating?

She cheated on you, and there's very few ways to see it other than as a betrayal. However, if you choose to forgive her, it can be forgotten, and your relationship can be stronger for it. You probably want to listen to what she has to say, and hear her out. This way, you can think a little about what she has to say, and think about how you will react.

Here are three things you can do if your girlfriend cheats on you:

First, don't make any quick decisions. It's easy to think (and say) that you'll hate her forever, but you may not mean this. Give it a couple of days or week, and let yourself go through the full ranges of emotions. If you live together, this can be hard, but it's important to process. Give you mind and heart some time to figure out what it really feels, and let the freshness of it work itself out, before you make a decision.

Second, figure out what you want to ask. As you go through the process, you'll come up with questions that you want the answers to. Write them down. When you are ready to talk, ask them, just as you have them written. You need these answered, but they don't need to be a cause for another argument. If you don't get these answered, you wont ever be able to fully move on, so you need to figure out what you want to know, and get that out in the open. Writing it down will help.

Finally, you need to know why. I'm sure you want to know with who, when, how often, where, and stuff like that, but in the long run, that's not that interesting. You need to know why. Without the why, you have no idea how to keep it from happening again, and how your relationship needs to change so that neither of you are in the same position again.

Cheating Girlfriend - What Do I Do If My Girlfriend Has Been Cheating?

If you are looking for ways to get your girlfriend back after she has cheated on you, don't worry. There are steps you can take to make that work. What you need to do is have a plan for what to next. Keep reading, and you'll find out what you need to do. Keep reading

How to Kiss Your Girlfriend For the First Time

Kissing is a great way of expressing your love to your girlfriend. Many guys find it very difficult to time the first kiss. If it is too early in the relationship, then it may look hurried and things can turn awkward. On the other hand, a delay can be misinterpreted as lack of interest and the relationship may fail. So, choosing the right time for your first kiss is very important and this article will give you a step-by-step guideline to be successful with your first kiss.

The first and foremost step is to make your girl feel comfortable. Giver her all that she needs to feel at ease. Some girls may not prefer to kiss in a public place and if this is the case with your girlfriend, then take her to a secluded spot. You may also get a good amount of privacy when you move away from public eye. Many women are attracted by humor and you can crack a joke to bring her into a good mood. Never kiss her when she is angry or upset about something. You can choose a romantic spot like a sunset, moon light or a private beach for your first kiss. Think what your girlfriend likes and choose appropriately.


The next step is to find out if your girlfriend wants to kiss you. You can ask her directly if she wants to kiss you and the answer may be a simple yes or no. On the other hand, you can also use body language to know her intentions. Start slowly and move towards her and see her reaction. You will know her interest in kissing through her body language. Based on what she says or does, you can decide your next course of action.

How to Kiss Your Girlfriend For the First Time

You can go ahead with kissing if she wants it too. Start with a peck on her cheek and go on to kiss her neck. If she likes it, go ahead with smooching. You can be very passionate with your kissing, but it is a good idea to allow her also to kiss you because this way she will feel important in the relationship. Be moderate and try to avoid sex with your first kiss.

You can stroke her head or neck while kissing. After the kiss, look into her eyes and express your true love for her. You can even try the humorous way if your girlfriend will like it. Finally, continue to talk or hold hands after the kiss and try to remain as calm as possible. These steps will go a long way in making your first kiss memorable and it can even pave the way for a long-term relationship.

How to Kiss Your Girlfriend For the First Time

Having confidence around women is something very few men can boast about. Unfortunately for the other 99% of men, women are turned off by a lack of confidence. To learn how to boost that confidence significantly and turn women's heads, visit

Signs of a Cheating Girlfriend

Cheating has plagued love lives for generations. Sometimes, one never finds out about an affair a girlfriend has had. However, there are certain signs which might give one a clue as to whether (and exactly to what limit) the girlfriend is cheating.

The first sign of infidelity by a girlfriend in a relationship is her general disinterest in anything that the two enjoyed doing together previously. Sometimes this disinterest is blatant. For example, if a couple watches a movie together, and afterwards she can't remember anything about the movie, then she might be deeply distracted by something. This disinterest then might graduate into a series of unexplained cancellations of plans.


Another sign of infidelity is an inexplicable display of guilt. One way in which guilt manifests itself is avoidance of the person who the guilty party feels is being hurt by her actions. The cheating girlfriend is therefore prone to generally avoiding the injured party - either by not taking calls or by not meeting for that ride or walk the couple used to like so much. Guilt can also cause pre-existing levels of intimacy to plummet.

Signs of a Cheating Girlfriend

Of course, there are countless other signs of a new lover: a sudden increase in her monthly expenses and car mileage; a splurge on cosmetics and clothes; a chronically non-reachable cell phone; an increase in overtime at her job without the accompanying increase in her paycheck, and so on. Also, if you notice a sudden increase in the number of her distant cousins, friends, ex-classmates, college friends, and so on, beware: she might be cheating.

Girlfriends having an affair have to be extremely well organized; their schedules are therefore punctiliously maintained. An affair is just an extension of a girl's daily life: she has to find time for the accomplice between family, work, social life, and the injured party. Keeping a big secret is a very tiresome job, and only the coolest, most calculating people can actually keep such a secret. If your girlfriend is not very resourceful and she is keeping a secret, she will probably falter somewhere and maybe blurt it out to you herself.

Signs of a Cheating Girlfriend

Girlfriends provides detailed information about girlfriends, finding girlfriends, gifts for girlfriends, and more. Girlfriends is affiliated with Relationships.

How to Find a Girlfriend in 5 Simple Steps

Want to know how to find a girlfriend?

Well if this is the case, then you're not alone. Right now, there are thousands even millions of guys who need a girlfriend to complete their lives. The problem is they don't have a clue about how to get one.


Fortunately there is a way YOU can find that special someone to complete your life. In this article, you'll discover a simple five step system you can use to get a girlfriend.

How to Find a Girlfriend in 5 Simple Steps

Step 1- Work on your attraction skills

Before you can even think about finding a girlfriend, it's important to work on your core personality and pick up skills. The logic behind this is to be able to attract that perfect woman once you meet her. So during the process of meeting women, you should work on displaying the characteristics which they'll find attractive.

For instance, you should focus (and try to improve) on the following things:

o Building confidence

o Approaching women

o Conversation skills

o How to build chemistry and rapport

o Seduction skills

Step 2- Know what you want

While you're out meeting women it's important to figure out "the type" you really want. Just like any other goal in your life it's simple to achieve your desired outcome if you have a clear understanding of what you want.

So if you want to learn how to find a girlfriend, then you should think about the type of woman you're looking for. Here are some things to consider:

o Age

o Race

o Body type

o Hair color

o Personality

o Education

o Level of intelligence

o Social Background

Step 3- Go to the right places

While this might seem simplistic, the best way to find your ideal woman is to go where she'll be. In the last step, you learned how to discover your perfect girlfriend. Since you know what she's like, you'll have a clear picture of her personality and interests.

My advice is to simply go to the places where she hangs out. For instance, if you want an athletic girl, then you should look at gyms and other athletic events.

Step 4- Approach and date different woman

The worst thing you can do is to seriously date the FIRST woman who pays attention to you. Instead you should make it a point to date different women till you find one that's perfect for you. As a result, you should make it a point to approach (and date) every woman who find interesting in your life.

By dating lots of women you'll develop a realistic view of what you really want from a girlfriend. Only after you've seen what you DON'T want, will you develop an idea of the perfect girlfriend.

Step 5- Select a girlfriend

The last step is simple. Once you've dated for awhile, you'll start to develop strong feelings for one particular woman. Obviously once you *click* with one particular women, you can make her your girlfriend.

Trying to discover how to find a girlfriend is a hard for many guys. The good news is it's not difficult if you know the right system. If you pay close attention (and implement) the five steps I discussed in this article, you'll discover it's easy to find that perfect girl.

How to Find a Girlfriend in 5 Simple Steps

Want to learn 50 WAYS for approaching, attracting and seducing women? If so, take a look at Scott Patterson's Free eBook which provides 50 tips for instant dating success.

Find a Girlfriend

Finding a girlfriend has never been easy. Though not the most difficult task in one's social life, it does have a prominent place for itself on life's long list of challenges.

Teenagers can find girlfriends in their schools, colleges or on summer jobs. The only requisite for having a girlfriend during one's adolescence is a good level of comfort and a sense of humor (though pocket money always helps). As one grows up, the process of finding girlfriends is influenced more by profession, lifestyle and financial status. Having a girlfriend at the workplace is usually a strict no-no. Therefore, there are various parties held for the sole purpose of finding a girlfriend or boyfriend; there are also many singles bars, where many relationships begin over a drink.


When meeting women at such a singles bar or party, one should remember that the first impression is really the last impression. At that point, the chance of a future relationship hinges entirely on that first impression and the conversation of the evening. One of the best tips anyone can give one about evoking a good a first impression is to try and put out what one really is or, simply put, "Be Yourself". Trying to impress a woman by not being oneself always yields hilarious repercussions (or the makings a blockbuster romantic comedy.)

Find a Girlfriend

There is also a host of friend-finding sites on the Internet today, which promise much for a small fee. Though there is no proof that these sites work, there is plenty of empirical evidence to support giving them a try. Make sure they are reputable, because online love can be hit-and-miss. Try a few different services to find out which suits you best.

Another method of finding girlfriends is simply making them, rather than taking pains to find them. Perhaps an old college friend is your romantic sole mate. Keep your options open. Keep in touch with your childhood friends. One never knows which plain Jane has changed into a femme fatale, or which geeky friend has today become the woman one is most comfortable with.

Find a Girlfriend

Girlfriends provides detailed information about girlfriends, finding girlfriends, gifts for girlfriends, and more. Girlfriends is affiliated with Relationships.

Girlfriend Christmas Gift Ideas for The Clueless Man

As if Christmas shopping wasn't bad enough to try and pick gifts for your friends and family, it becomes double the trouble if you have a girlfriend to buy for. Not only do the gifts you buy show how well you know her, your girlfriend is also looking at them from a "how much he loves me" angle. However, with just a little research and more than a little guile, you can buy your girlfriend the Christmas gifts that will keep you safe for another year at least!

Homedics Luxury Foot Bubbler


One of the things that many women complain about is how their shoes are killing them, and girlfriends are no different. That's why this luxury foot spa will delight and pamper her all at the same time. With a foot massager and heat control at your fingertips, this is a great Christmas gift idea for your girlfriend, and it's only .

Girlfriend Christmas Gift Ideas for The Clueless Man

Raindrop Therapy treatment

If the foot spa isn't luxurious enough for the special girl in your life, then how about this uniquely different treat? Using a combination of soothing oils and reflexology, a trained Raindrop Therapist slowly drops the oils onto target areas on your girlfriend's skin, and finishes off with a reflexology massage for the ultimate in pampering. A truly special Christmas gift, it's only for a half hour treatment, and the results last for up to a week.

Your Own Romance Novel

Now this will REALLY surprise her. If your girlfriend reads a lot of romantic books, this Christmas gift idea lets her be the heroine in a book that you've "written", thanks to You simply fill in some personal details, choose a theme for your book, and that's it. Your book will be compiled using a pre-set plot and sent to you for as little as .95 plus shipping.

Her Own Designer Fragrance

We all know how important the right perfume is to our girlfriends, and more likely than not we've also bought her the wrong scent before. However, one thing she won't have is her own personal fragrance - until now. By filling in some details about your girlfriend's personality, FragranceForYou will design a fragrance tailored to your girlfriend, and with prices ranging from .00 to .20 including a free silk gift bag, this is one Christmas gift she won't forget in a hurry.


One of the simplest gift ideas a guy can buy his girlfriend is lingerie - after all, it's something she wears regularly, so you should have an idea of what she already likes. Just make sure you get the right size though, especially of you want to see her in whatever you buy!

Working Girl's Survival Kit

If your girlfriend is constantly complaining about how stressful her job is, get her one of these handy gifts for her this Christmas. For only .99, you get an attaché case complete with everything a girl needs, from lip balm to emery board, clear nail polish to interior mirror and so much more. Seriously, buy this for her and she won't be able to thank you enough!

Girlfriend Christmas Gift Ideas for The Clueless Man

Find more ideas for shopping for the best Christmas gifts at

Calling Your Ex - Girlfriend - Is it a Good Idea to Call Her and Try to Win Her Back?

Most guys have done the 1 am drunk call to an ex-girlfriend and know that nothing good will ever come of this. But, what if you are perfectly level headed and you just want to reconnect with your ex-girlfriend? Is it a good idea to call her up and try to win her back? Read on and you will be able to get a much better idea of whether or not you should call your ex-girlfriend.

When you want to get her back, then you probably have a yearning to get back into contact with her. You want to hear the sound of her voice and you want to see those pretty eyes staring back at you. So, of course, you think that calling her would be a great way to work yourself back into her life, and hopefully win her back.


Not so fast, though.

Calling Your Ex - Girlfriend - Is it a Good Idea to Call Her and Try to Win Her Back?

Even what you might assume to be just a harmless phone call can drive a serious wedge in between you and your ex-girlfriend and make it incredibly hard to get her back. Do you know what you are going to say to her? Do you think that just winging it and going on the fly is going to be the best idea?

Without a strategy behind the phone call, then you might not want to even make that call in the first place. You could quickly make her realize that nothing is there and close her off to an opportunity to get back together. You have to have a plan behind calling your ex-girlfriend and it cannot be just to talk and catch up with her.

Not if you want to have a serious chance at getting back with her.

If you are seriously trying to get back with your ex, then you have to know what triggers to use that will make her want to be back with you, and how to get her to want to hang out face to face. Just talking on the phone may not be nearly enough to win her back and make her want to come back to you.

Calling Your Ex - Girlfriend - Is it a Good Idea to Call Her and Try to Win Her Back?

Want to know what you CAN do to win her back?

Click Here to Get Your FREE Report and Discover What You NEED to DO to Win Her Back!

Copyright © 2010 Chris Tyler All Rights Reserved.

Things to Remember Before Dating Your Friend's Ex-Girlfriend

Dating your friend's ex-girlfriend is complicated and draws a rather unpredictable or messy future but if you're really ready to pursue this one relationship, then there's no need to ponder and be worry-freak. The past and past and what is important is here and now. However, we cannot forget the fact that this poses a rather awkward and tricky set-up. Can you imagine an ex-girlfriend ending up with someone you know well? There certain things you need to remember before dating your friend's ex-girlfriend.

First, you must seriously consider it. If you don't know how to handle yourself in this rather discomfited arrangement, think long hard, or you might end up not just losing a good friendship but also, the love of your life. Usually, when a girl used to be a friend's girlfriend, one is inclined not to pursue further, out of the respect for the both them. Even if they are totally over, there would always be a slight feeling of being ill at ease for all three of you. Traditionally, if you want to go out with a girl a friend used to date, you must let the friend know about it, or catching the two of your together can prove more lethal. Make sure that they've totally moved on and if your friend is cool about it, then there's no need to fret over the matter. You must also consider the fact that this could damage your friendship, even if they are really not a couple anymore. Past relationships are always painful so make sure you know when and how to handle a situation.


If you would like to discover more intimate details about dating your friend's girlfriend, do visit my website to get your hands on my FREE reports which has helped thousands of men get women they thought they never had a chance with! If you are really serious about mastering the art of attraction and being able to date and seduce ANY girl you want, visit my website now and get a free report.

Things to Remember Before Dating Your Friend's Ex-Girlfriend
Things to Remember Before Dating Your Friend's Ex-Girlfriend

If you are truly serious about mastering the art of attraction and being able to date and seduce ANY girl you want, visit this free website now and get a free report:

How Should I Contact My Ex Girlfriend?

It's one of the most often asked questions when trying to get an ex back: how do I contact my ex girlfriend? Most guys make such communication way too early, which only serves to drive their ex away. Knowing how and when to make that first connection is one of the most mistimed events on the path to getting back together. It can also be the most damaging, if you don't know how to correctly handle it.

When your ex first ends things between you, she wants to be left alone for a while. This is the worst time to call or talk to her. It's also the time during which you're going to be tempted the most. That combination leads to an incredible amount of men making conversation with women who really would rather not be talking to them at all. Contacting your ex girlfriend while the break up is still fresh may be important to you, because you feel like you can still talk her out of leaving you. In truth though, you're just shooting yourself in the foot. Your ex will get annoyed that you're hounding her immediately after the break up, and be angry that you're trying to change her mind.


The leads men to ask the next question: should I write my ex a letter? Again, the answer is a resounding no. Although there's nothing wrong with putting your thoughts down on paper, actually sending it to your exgirlfriend will only lead to problems. You must understand that you're writing this stuff down for you... not her. You're doing it to make yourself feel better, and in the process you believe it's going to make her want you back. In reality, sending such a letter will only come off as desperate. Even if you think it's a good one, filled with all good things, apologies, etc... your ex doesn't want that right now. She's just broken up with you, so any contact you have with her will make her feel weird for a little while. It's always best to leave her alone, at least for a few weeks.

How Should I Contact My Ex Girlfriend?

Obviously this isn't what you want to hear. But I'll tell you this: if you're serious about getting your ex back, you'll need to understand and meet her own needs - not yours. This means abandoning how you feel, or how you're doing, or what you're emotionally going through. Instead, try to step outside of the situation and examine the scenario from her point of view. Doing this might surprise you.

By dropping out of your girlfriend's sight and making yourself scarce for a while, your ex will actually start to miss you. She'll respect you for not having chased her, even though secretly she may have wanted you to. She'll think about the break up a lot more if you haven't called, emailed, or text-messaged your ex. And if she hasn't talked to you in a while? She's going to wonder exactly what you're up to. Her curiosity will get the best of her, and she'll send out feelers to learn what you've been doing. Have you moved on? Are you dating someone else? Why haven't you called even once? These things will go through her mind, causing you to get back into her head again.

Eventually the question comes back full circle: How should I contact my ex girlfriend? - and this time, the answer gets easier. Because now that you've left her alone to her own thoughts, you can communicate with your ex girlfriend... and this time around, you can do it with your dignity intact.

What should you say to your ex? Something simple. Start by saying hello, and ask her how she's been. If you were dating for a while, you were probably close with her family. Ask about mom, dad, grandma, and whoever else. Ask her about school and work. Don't pry, and above all, don't interrogate. Whether she contacted you or you called your ex first, don't even stay on the phone very long. You want to touch base, make sure she knows it was nice to hear from her again, and then make a fast excuse to get off the line. Tell her you're going out, and be vague about it. Then, just before you hang up, ask her if she wants to talk again soon - or maybe meet up for lunch or coffee.

This sort of a little mini reunion date can really help solidify the possibility of getting back together again. Because you waited a while before making such an offer, your ex doesn't feel pressured by you. You don't look the least bit desperate, either. She'll actually be excited to meet with you, because she'll still be wondering what you've been doing all this time. Your phone call was way too short for her, and you left her wanting more - a good tactic whenever dealing with someone you're trying to date again.

Learning when and how you should contact your ex girlfriend is a critical part of reconciliation, which is why you should leave nothing to chance. If you're trying to get your ex back, you'll need to be proactive in everything you do while avoiding the big mistakes most guys make while fixing a break up. By learning all you can, you'll minimize the possibility of failure and maximize your chances of putting her into your arms again.

How Should I Contact My Ex Girlfriend?

There are some very unique methods you can use to Get Back Your Ex Girlfriend, so learn what they are! And for more ideas on how to reconnect, check out Contacting Your Ex.