How To Tell If Your Girlfriend Is Cheating - Some Evidences To Look For

Have you ever suspected your girlfriend to be cheating on you at one point in your relationship? Do you trust her too much and believe that she can never do something foolish behind your back? If you do, it is time to wake up boy because some women, just like men, also flirt when their boyfriends are not in sight. They find enjoyment in playing and leading on other guys especially if they know that the said guys are attracted to them.

Although only a few go further than flirting like sleeping with another guy, this still becomes one of the common reasons why couples break-up. So, if you think that your girlfriend is doing something unusual, try to look at some evidences on how to tell if your girlfriend is cheating.


The first evidence that you can look for is when she starts buying more new clothing than she used to. If you are already spending months or years together as boyfriend-girlfriend, you must have been familiar with how your girlfriend dresses and how she purchases clothing for herself. Although there are girls who become suddenly interested with clothes, this will still become a big puzzle to you especially if you are used to seeing your girl wearing simple clothes and buying only new items when there are important occasions to attend.

How To Tell If Your Girlfriend Is Cheating - Some Evidences To Look For

If you notice this sudden need to buy new items of clothing, be more watchful because the reason behind could be to create a new look and feel more attractive to the man she is seeing behind your back. Give more special attention on whether she buys new underwear or lingerie because these are big clues on how to tell if your girlfriend is cheating.

Other evidences are receipts and unexplained extra mileage on the car. These two can provide you with loads of information and help you on how to tell if your girlfriend is cheating. When your girlfriend cheats, her buying habits change as well as the frequency of usage of the car. Although these changes can happen even to those girlfriends who are not cheating but merely finding ways to have more fun, these are still strong evidences to consider.

Check the receipts of her purchases and take note of the mileage on the car at the start and end of the day. Do the receipts show purchases of new underwear, men's items like cologne and shirt but you never remember them being given to you or to anyone you know, and large amount of credit for her cell phone? Do you see a big difference between the distance she said she traveled and what the counter on the car says in reality? The answer to these questions will sure be of big help on how to tell if your girlfriend is cheating.

And lastly, evidences like her cell phone and phone bills will also help you determine if your girlfriend is indeed cheating. Do you find strange numbers on her cell phone and phone bills? Is there someone calling her more often and does she try to get distant from you when somebody calls? If you answer yes to these, then consider them as indicators that something is really going on. But do not confront her at once; you must dig deeper by looking at other ways on how to tell if your girlfriend is cheating. You can look at the address book to check the strange number or you can try calling it and listen to the voice at the other line.

How To Tell If Your Girlfriend Is Cheating - Some Evidences To Look For

To learn the truth about whether or not your girlfriend is cheating on you, visit