Dating a guy who seems pretty good? Are you pleased with the direction this new relationship is heading? There are many women who feel things are finally going just fine in their love lives and the BAM! The EX girlfriend reappears from H - - -. Well maybe she did not reappear from H - - - but it sure seems that way to you. If you man's ex girlfriend suddenly shows up again in his life, what can you or should you do about it?
Well, the truth is, there could be many reasons why the ex is in his life. Chances are you should remain calm and refuse to feel threatened until you at least find out what is really going on. Hopefully, you are dealing with a man who is sensible and sane enough to be honest and straightforward with you.
If you are beginning to feel uncomfortable or insecure in your relationship with him because you feel she still has her hooks in him, here are 3 important things your should keep in the front of your mind:
- DO NOT; let me repeat - DO NOT resort to obsessing about her. Don't start yelling and screaming at him and Lord knows DON'T start crying to him about his ex. If you nag, whine, cling, beg or engage in behavior that seems desperate, you may very well ruin things for yourself and send him back into her arms.
- Be the chooser. Choose not to be threatened even if she has decided she wants him back. Choose to be the best YOU possible. Strong and confident women are sexy and appealing. Begging, whining, nagging and clingy women are exactly what most men avoid like the plague.
- Don't let your imagination and your insecurities overtake you and you end up giving him an ultimatum. Huge mistake. You must understand that ultimatums often backfire and you should think it through and be ready to deal with the consequences of your actions.
Even if he is having mixed feelings about her and he has told you how she almost crushed him in their relationship, don't let his past define you and your relationship. If you discover your beau is a jerk, then drop him now and be glad you found this out. If he is a decent guy, maybe all you can do is give him some breathing room. After all, there IS a reason why she is his ex and there IS a reason why you are his current.
You may look at this as a test. If it is, so be it. You deserve to be with a great guy who appreciates you for being you. Stand your ground and let your best shine through. If he is a keeper, you will know it soon enough. Give him the space he needs and keep your dignity intact. It may seem uncomfortable, but you will end up better off. Either your guy will realize you two have something special or he will fall back into whatever nightmare he was in with his ex. Either way, refuse to let the actions of others dictate your behavior in your relationships.
Dating and Relationship Advice - Crazy Ex Girlfriends or Ex Wives and How to Deal with Them
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