How Do I Make My Girlfriend Love Me More - 5 Considerations

If you are wondering how you can get your girlfriend to love you more, the first thing that you need to understand is that this is a very delicate situation. Your feelings may hang in the balance here., and so may hers. And it is important that you are careful about what you're doing, otherwise feelings on both sides could get hurt even worse.

If you are asking yourself, "How do I make my girlfriend love me more?" Here are 5 considerations:


1 - First and foremost, ask yourself how you have been treating her lately. Girls do not generally pull away or become emotionally cold completely out of the blue. Rather, there is probably a really good reason behind her behaviors - even if you are not immediately aware of what it is. The first step has to be to figure out what went wrong, whether or not it could have been prevented, and how can you can fix it now that you know what it is.

How Do I Make My Girlfriend Love Me More - 5 Considerations

2 - If the distancing you feel with your girlfriend seems to be your fault, then the first thing that you need to do to help rekindle things is to let your girlfriend know that you recognize what happened and that it was your fault. You must let her know that you are sorry for your actions and any unintended consequences they may have had.

3 - You should continue to spend time friends, as well - even though you are trying to get her to feel closer to you or love you more. Just because the two of you are not feeling as close as you could be right now, that does not mean that you need to cut yourself off from the rest of the world. You should go out and have some fun with your friends. The key here is to not appear or seem needy to your girlfriend. You want her to know that you are an exciting guy with plenty of options as to how you spend your time.

4 - Show your girlfriend that you are not overly attached to her. At the same time, you also need to show her how much you really care about her. This is the most ideal way to get her to love you more. Let her know that you have been thinking about your relationship lately and that you really want it to work. Reaffirm that you still have deep feelings for her. This will make you appear more mature to her - and more desirable!

5 - Finally, it is important that you work hard to become friends with your girlfriend. But, we are already friends, you may be saying! Ask yourself, though, how close the two of you really are. Sometimes, the best route back to love is through direct communication. This will build trust, and will help to make you closer to one another.

It is very important that you confront her and ask her why her feelings have faded (or why her feelings where never strong enough to begin with). But, be casual about it rather than appearing desperate. She will either admit to the fact that there is a problem, or you may have to try subtler techniques at first. But, either way, once you have an answer, you can proceed from there.

These are just the first steps in winning back her heart and deepening her love for you. They are the initial steps I followed when the love of my life started losing her feelings for me. And frankly these aren't my original ideas. I learned them from some of the smartest love gurus I could find. You can learn the same secrets, too. So, don't give up and stay strong!

How Do I Make My Girlfriend Love Me More - 5 Considerations

Get her to love you more with expert relationship advice from someone who has saved thousands of relationships at: Turn Up Her Passion.