Ways to Tell Your Girlfriend You Love Her - Very Romantic Ways to Tell a Girl You Love Her

How to tell a girl you love her if she is already your girlfriend? Well, I guess you want to do it in a romantic manner. One good way to do it is to tell her so in a foreign language.

In fact you can use the following methods. The first method is through text messages. You can do it over a period of time. Everyday, just send her one message in a different language. Or you can choose to do it once per week or whatever schedule you deem fit.


Of course, another method is to tell her directly. Observe how she reacts. Most probably, she will be very pleased. Every girl wants her boyfriend to tell her he loves her regularly.

Another method is to send her a bouquet of flower. In fact, in 101 romantic ideas by Michael Webb, he mentioned a special method. You can send her a bouquet of 12 roses. But instead of sending her 12 real roses, replace one of them with a plastic rose. On the plastic rose, attach a small card that says, "I love you as long as this flower last."

You may even want to consider sending the bouquet of flowers to her work place if she is someone who loves attention. Instantly, she will become the center of attraction in her workplace. This will make her feel very happy for the rest of the day.

Of course, if your girlfriend is not someone who loves public attention, you can send the roses to her home instead or just give her the roses personally.

Ways to Tell Your Girlfriend You Love Her - Very Romantic Ways to Tell a Girl You Love Her


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