Original Birthday Gift Ideas For a Girlfriend

There are a lot of sites that can give you good gift ideas, in general, and good birthday gift ideas, in particular. We live in an age of tremendous material plenty and no one should be at a loss for a gift idea. Yet, when we are dealing with a girlfriend, we are playing a whole different ballgame. The birthday gift is going to be imbued with a great deal of significance and you are walking through a virtual minefield of potential disasters. The reason for this is that the girlfriend is going to see the birthday gift as not just a thoughtful gesture from a well meaning person. She is going to read into it all sorts of deep psychological meanings.

Many men think that the best solution to this difficult situation is to throw money at it. If you buy her an expensive gift, regardless of what it is, she will be happy. Sadly, this does not always turn out to be true. Even when it is true, the reality of it might end up being a bit discouraging to you. Is she just a gold digger? Is she always going to expect something expensive? How romantic is that? Even so, the money solution might not work. She might think you are just trying to buy her off and you are too lazy to find that special and original romantic gift. If you buy a gift that is too intimate, she might think you forward, and if you buy her a gift not intimate enough, she might think you really aren't interested in her. What to do?


The answer is to find that original and special gift that accomplishes two important goals. First, it shows that you gave the gift a lot of thought and made the extra effort to get just the right thing. Second, your gift matches perfectly the exact current state of your relationship. Using this theory, you could accomplish more with a flattering caricature portrait of her that is nicely framed than you could do with an expensive piece of jewelry plucked directly from a store display. It is the thought and effort that will make the favorable impression and not the intrinsic value of the gift. Other good ideas are highly romantic and sentimental gifts. Something that is connected to a special event or place from the early days of your relationship is usually romantic. A timepiece with a note that says you want her to be thinking of you "all the time" is romantic. You need to be thoughtful and you need to be original. If you keep this in mind, you should survive the birthday gift danger zone, and can start thinking about Christmas.

Original Birthday Gift Ideas For a Girlfriend

Natalie Aranda writes about home and family. There are a lot of sites that can give you good gift ideas, in general, and good birthday gift ideas, in particular. Original gift ideas shows that you gave the gift a lot of thought and made the extra effort to get just the right thing. Your gift matches perfectly the exact current state of your relationship. Using this theory, you could accomplish more with a flattering caricature portrait of her that is nicely framed than you could do with an expensive piece of jewelry plucked directly from a store display. It is the thought and effort that will make the favorable impression and not the intrinsic value of the gift.